QRSC Middle School Team Sign-up Open

29 Oct 2020 by Patrick Cote


We’ll get started with optional “bonus” Saturday workouts starting on November 7th 9-10:30AM at Quarry Road Welcome center, aka the yurt. These will be dryland, running, bounding, hiking, etc. Wear running shoes and outdoor clothes, bring ski poles.

Then in December shift to formal practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Fridays being a distance ski with coaches but no actual team gathering. Need ski gear or have gear to sell? Don’t forget the Nov 7th ski sale from 9-2 (parents could volunteer during our practice if they’d like!)

Modifications will be necessary this winter, but we are a go! We are going to take COVID precautions very seriously and ask that all participants not only wear masks and distance at all times while at practice, but also adhere to CDC guidance outside of practice.

Note that the most likely modification will be access to indoor space for true emergencies only; because of this we may need to cancel more often on very cold days, any change of clothes or boots will need to happen in cars with parents, and we may need parents to stay very nearby during practice in case of frozen hands, etc. More details on this will be coming as the plan is finalized.

Sign up is required to attend any practices, including the bonus sessions in November.

We can’t wait to get started! Send me any questions through the CHAT feature on Team App.

-Coach Pat

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